Hunting with Masai

By Charles Bane, Jr.                                                      Download pdfmobi, epub

Dawn is spear and
shield and gun recklessly
left behind. We move in a
single line. Last night
they chased away a
missionary and we lay.
Mine is the god of the Hebrews
I explained, mountain born
like N’gai. He is not desirous
of you and only one
of mine has seen his face.
His mountain had boiled gravely
and he built a vessel of lava
rock for a climber overcome

to voyage fire home
Charles Bane, the American author of The Chapbook (Curbside Splendor ) , Love Poems (Aldrich Press) , and Three Seasons: Writing Donald Hall (Collection of Houghton Library, Harvard University). He created and contributes to The Meaning Of Poetry series for The Gutenberg Project, and is a current nominee as Poet Laureate of Florida.

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Short Stories
