
By Nurain Oladeji                                                      Download pdfmobi, epub

At the threshold where land
Provokes sea, waves birth
Ripples of looming uncertainties-
Soil, water, and other
Clashing realities of time.
Lured to stay loyal
To memories of air, lungs, gasps,
Heaving chest: antidotes of death.

Alligators ditch condoms,
Tactlessly slithering through life’s asphalt
Making multidimensional love,
Orgasm starts on land, ends in sea.

I live by words of a map
And compasses’ tantrums,
Dawn and dusk are distractions
Day and night are shifting sentries,
Not a single magician unclogging
Wound up time.
Nurain Oladeji lives in, and writes poetry and short fiction from Nigeria. His works have been published in chapbooks and web literary journals. He hopes to live in a perfect future where he is published writer, a teacher, and a farmer.

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Also in this Issue
Short Stories
