Let Me Stay

By Redscar McOdindo K’Oyuga                                                    Download pdf epub html

Editors note. Dated 10 October 2016. 
After the works of Redscar McOdindo K’Oyuga were proved to have been plagiarised, and not his original creations, we at Lawino Magazine have taken a preemptive step delete his poem from the online archive. While we are not certain if this poem that we published is his original work, we think it best to remove it until a time when he can prove it is his own work. We unfortunately are unable to recall the ebook version of this issue as it is already in circulation, but as an act of good faith to whoever he might have plagiarised, we can only remove the poem from here.

Please if you know the author of the work he stole, get in touch with us so we can issue a personal apology to the author. 

Here is the link to the public state by The Missing Slate, who were first to note his actions.  http://themissingslate.com/2016/10/08/public-statement-allegations-plagiarism-redscar-mcodindo-koyuga/
Download to read on mobile devices pdf epub html
Redscar McOdindo K’Oyuga is a social entrepreneur, an elusive medical student, a winner of Fern Poetry Prize, a blogger, a chaser of dreams, and a lover.  He writes in both Swahili and English. Deep within the pockets of Nairobi, he lives a humble life in the company of books of varied genres. It is during his numerous local expeditions, and tour through books, or just in stillness of time, the gusty winds of the Savanna in his face, that the old poem coalesces, the unlikely story comes, the muse takes shape.
