
By Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva

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She dip dips in the Ocean with her toes,
Smack smacks the waves with her breasts, 
Lick licks the sand with her fingers, 
Point points at the sky with her nose.

 -her first love affair with the Indian Ocean.

She feel feels the ripples in her thighs, 

Squirm squirms as water enters her eyes, 
Wish wishes the boats would disappear, 
She can’t share this aquagasm with anyone.

 -her first love affair with the Indian Ocean.


Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva is a Ugandan writer and poet and the Founder and Director of the annual BN Poetry Award for African poets. She is also the Founder of the BN Leadership Academy for Women and Girls in Africa and the Creator of PoeTRicks, an adventure toolkit for children who read and write poetry.

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